A Positive Mind
For Social Change

The ACPNET-BC is an initiative of devoted residents of British Columbia of African origins made up of mostly refugees and immigrants infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.


One-to-one education on HIV/AIDS including treatment options


Assistance and orientation to local resources, such as African stores


and referrals for immigration and settlement related problems such as housing


for individuals with mental health challenges, alcohol and drug prevention programs, and leadership training for peer supporters.


Pre-and post-test counselling services, ensuring you receive the guidance you need throughout your journey.

Reaching Out

to individuals both at home and in hospitals, including treatment check-ins and establish connections with isolated individuals...

Who We Are

The ACPNET-BC is an initiative of devoted residents of British Columbia of African origins made up of mostly refugees and immigrants infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Since 2009, we have worked together to provide support, companionship, community, and empowerment based on common cultural background to mitigate the effects of stigma, loneliness, and separation from loved ones while managing life with HIV/AIDS.

What is HIV/AIDS?

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases.


Access to early HIV testing and immediate treatment improves quality of life for people living with HIV and curbs transmission. Pioneered at the BC-CfE by Dr. Julio Montaner, Treatment as Prevention®, or TasP® , is a proven effective strategy for controlling the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

Our Programs

What We Do

Brother And Sister Chat

A safe and welcoming space to support one another and share experiences.

Drive For Change

Our study seeks to elevate the voices of ACB people living with HIV.

We Can Thrive

Reaching people who are unaware of their STBBI status.

Support Our Cause

Join us to improve life for refugees and immigrants in BC

We educate the community at large and respect confidentiality, acceptance of the service and continued participation in organizational activities and follow up.